Golf Shots
Golf Shots Podcast features interviews with some of the coolest golfers in the country - maybe the world. A podcast created with the goal of showcasing golfers doing amazing things and telling great stories. This game is awesome...let's talk about it.
Golf Shots
Mike Delong - The Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course
Mike Delong loves golf. He was the Director of Golf at The Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course from it's opening day until 2005. Prior to that he was the Head Golf Pro and GM at Avondale Golf Club in Hayden, Idaho. Mike sits down to talk about the golf swing, his favorite courses, and how he became the Director of Golf at one of the premier golf resorts in the country. If you ever have the chance to talk golf, play golf or just have a beer with Mike, enjoy that time. Here it is, episode 17 of Golf Shots.
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