Golf Shots
Golf Shots Podcast features interviews with some of the coolest golfers in the country - maybe the world. A podcast created with the goal of showcasing golfers doing amazing things and telling great stories. This game is awesome...let's talk about it.
Golf Shots
Victoria Fallgren - Assistant Golf Coach, Gonzaga University
Victoria Fallgren is the Assistant Golf Coach at Gonzaga and one heck of a player. She's a 3 time Washington State Women's Mid-Am champion and graduate of Gonzaga. When she's not assisting in the coaching, operations and recruiting efforts at GU, she can be found on the course or the ski slopes doing both better than just about everyone. Recorded in the Hemmingson Building right in the middle of Gonzaga's campus, Victoria gives her insights into playing great golf and what training aids she thinks actually work. Here it is, episode 12 of Golf Shots.
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